Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Job Report!

I got a job!! I've known for about a week, but it became 100% official yesterday when I went to my hiring authorization and signed my contract!! :) I'm so excited. I will be teaching 1st grade. I'm in a very very diverse school and I think I'm going to have some great experiences. I start November 28 and have no idea what I'm doing on that 1st day/week because my students I will have and the parents have no idea their children are being moved. The classes are high in numbers so they hired another teacher (me) and will be taking so 6-7 students out of each class and moving them to me. I know it's going to be quite the transition but I'm up for it! Being a parent, I think it will be harder for the parents than the children. Anyways, I have absolutely NOTHING for a classroom so I'm hoping to get some things this week/weekend so my students do not come to an empty room. I'm not even sure if I will have one on Monday because the principal was having to ask another teacher to I'm a little anxious of the unknown but really excited to finally have a classroom of my own!!  God is so good and I'm so thankful for this blessing right before the holidays! So much pressure and worry will be taken off our shoulders because of this job!

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